Domestic Tranquility

This is not news, but some Americans and people generally don't really believe in nationalism, like the corporatists who build tax shelters in foreign destinations or send thier manufacturing infrastructure overseas to enrich themselves more than they already are. They don't really care about their fellow citizens who lose jobs as a result of outsourcing, because by and large, they are not nationalists. They may be internationalists, but even that term, in general, would be ascribing to them qualities of caring for their fellow humans that we suspect is too little to warrant being called that, too. More than likely, they are self indulgent or self motivated. How else to describe economic actions that they very well know is not in the best interests of the nation? Of course, it's not just outsourcing corporatists that don't believe in nationalism, but some Americans all across the spectrum. This is their right of freedom of speech, of course, which is one of the endearing qualities of the Constitution, and also a respect for the natural rights of human beings. However, it's up to the citizens of the United States, who by and large are patriotic, to uphold domestic tranquility by seeing to it through our laws that the morally responsible interests of the nation are foremost rather than large-scale outsourcing, foreign tax shelters and general foreign intervention.

The Party of Commons is an anti-interventionist American party.

[Originally posted on "Commoner" on 1/6/10; revised on 1/9/10.]

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