Media Hijinks

Since you pretty much have to in order to have a decent chance of winning an election, Mark Greene has always cooperated with the corporate mainstream news media during his election contests. Some in the media have all but completely ignored Mark in elections, like the current, because after all, Mark represents the interests of the people, not the corporate interests, but that tactic has not always worked for the media in relegating Mark to the back bench.

The Anchorage Daily News, as far as we know, has never put Mark's photograph in their newspaper (even though they had one via the Ketchikan Daily News), let alone wrote substantive articles about Mark, even though Mark is one of only five, since Alaska's statehood in 1959, from the Democratic Party in that state to win consecutive nominations for the U.S. House of Representatives (the years 2000 and 2002).

Mark was able to win primaries in Alaska despite the contempt of the state's top newspaper several years ago, and Mark can win elections in Washington despite the negative phraseology by the Times, relating to an article about the King County Council's 9th District primary in their 1st of August, 2009 edition. The voters will see through these media hijinks, we hope.

[First posted on "Commoner" on 8/1/09; revised on 8/4/09.]

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