Restore ABM Treaty

The question once again is what "change"? President Obama has refused to cancel the Czech-Poland missile defense shield that the Bush rule started, allegedly to protect Europe from possible Iranian missiles. That excuse is probably a sham. More to the point, however, is that the planned radar base and interceptors are a barrier to Obama's call for a world free of nuclear weapons, because Russia is wary of any massive disarmament as long as there are massive anti ballistic missile systems in place to potentially counteract their missiles. This is serious business for the security of the world. We think getting rid of nuclear weapons should be a much higher priority than building ABM systems that many experts say would be easy to defeat by sophisticated decoys. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty should be restored, which would help to break the impasse regarding the entire nuclear dilemma. If the Democratic Party now in power will not roll back the worst of Bush's policies, then the truth is that they were with Bush all along. It's time to stop talking, and to actually make concrete progress in bringing about multi-lateral international disarmament of nuclear weapons, to the point that all of them will eventually be dismantled. It is a necessary task for peace.

[First posted on the "Commoner" blog on 7/15/09.]

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